Author of articles Sylvie

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4 Articles

Author's articles

  • Discharge from the male genitals; criteria for physiological and pathological discharge in prostate, gonorrhea, thrush; male discharge when aroused. Reasons for the appearance of blood and pus from the urethra, their connection with tumors. Algorithm for medical examination.
    30 December 2021
  • Folk remedies for increasing power in men - a collection of recipes from natural products, tinctures and decoctions and bee products.
    29 December 2021
  • Reasons for the decline of power in men. Will vitamins help to improve strength? A summary of the best vitamins and minerals for men's health.
    29 December 2021
  • The increase in strength in men is carried out by popular or medicated methods. Zinc-rich foods, as well as special exercises, positively affect potency.
    29 December 2021