Medicinal plants to increase potency in men are natural raw materials used in various variations to fight male impotence.
Problems in bed, it would seem, what could be more uncomfortable? Impotence, infertility, prostatitis - these diseases cause panic in men. But you should not give in to emotions prematurely, everything is adjustable and herbs can help solve "delicate problems".
How to prepare funds
The list of medicinal plants delights in its diversity, which can not be said about the forms of preparation of medicines on a natural basis. There are several variations of herbs you can make:
- Decoction - involves the use of dried raw materials in the form of crushed plants (fruits, roots, leaves, stalks, flowers), boiling water and a thermos. The components are poured with water, sent to a water bath or in a thermos, insisted for a long period of time (at least 2 hours). As a result, it is possible to obtain a decoction with a therapeutic effect.
- The infusion is the best option for men as it is easy to do and very effective. The infusion is prepared using dry raw materials and boiling water. The plants are poured with water, injected no more than 30 minutes, the resulting drug is filtered and taken in portions, several times a day.
- Tincture - medicinal herbs are poured not with water but with alcohol, the use of vodka is allowed. The resulting product is sent to a dark and cool place for at least 14 days, then filtered. Another two days are allowed to stay in the refrigerator, after the specified time for the solution to be ready for use, it is recommended to drink it drop by drop, diluting it with clean water.
What herb to drink to increase strength and in what form to take, man chooses himself. There are many recipes to help prepare a decoction or infusion.
Which herbs increase strength
The herbal collection is a broad concept, which includes various combinations of medicinal plants that have a positive effect on men's health.But for representatives of the stronger sex, herbs that increase strength and increase erection are especially beneficial. The list may include different plants.

Rhodiola rosea (golden root)
It is generally accepted that this plant is female, it helps the fair sex to normalize the menstrual cycle and hormonal levels. But not only women can use Rhodiola rosea, it:
- increases the time of sexual intercourse;
- increases attraction to the female sex.
Golden root normalizes the hormonal background, is often included in herbal preparations, but can be used as the sole ingredient. Suitable for the preparation of decoctions and tinctures.

Ginseng root is used to quickly increase strength. Considered a natural aphrodisiac, it is widely used in Chinese medicine and affects the body of the strong half of humanity as follows:
- Improves blood circulation to the penis.
- Stimulates sexual activity.
- Increases libido.
- Affects the quality of sperm, improves their activity.
- Helps increase the body's resistance to stress.
Ginseng root is crushed, can be used to prepare tinctures for alcohol and decoction.Boil it in boiling water or vodka and insist for 2-3 weeks. This will help not only to get rid of power problems, but also to stabilize the overall situation.

Siberian reservoir
Folk remedies containing Siberian reservoir are often used to increase potency, they stimulate natural awakening. The composition of the plant includes not only healing essential oils but also protein and carbohydrates. Against impotence, Siberian resuscitation can be used in the form of decoctions and tinctures.Ascorbic acid, keratin, sucrose and other beneficial elements help strengthen the body as a whole.
You can use not only the seedlings of the plant, but also the rhizomes, they are crushed, dried, poured boiling water or alcohol, to obtain a medicinal drink.

In the treatment of impotence, immediate action can be achieved if Dubrovnik is combined with the right lifestyle. Such a "tandem" allows:
- cope with inflammatory processes in the body;
- stops cell aging (acts as a natural antioxidant).
Dubrovnik is often involved in herbal preparations to increase strength. Useful properties lead to the death of bacteria and fungi, and also accelerate the process of cell regeneration. Dubrovnik infusion is most effective.

Calamus root (swamp)
Plants to increase strength without calamus is hard to imagine. The root of this unique plant can simply be chewed to help alleviate bed problems.
How does calamus affect the body:
- Stimulates seminal fluid production.
- Gradually activates the work of the organs of the reproductive system.
Most often, calamus root is used. The rhizome is insisted on alcohol and then taken drop by drop. But some people should use calamus with caution, it has a number of contraindications: gastritis with high acidity, worsening of gastric ulcer.

To improve the process of spermatogenesis, you can drink a decoction of Goryanka. This medicine has many benefits:
- stimulates the process of sperm production;
- normalizes the work of the testicles responsible for testosterone production;
- increases sexual desire, allows you to maintain the state for a long period;
- improves blood circulation to the organs and tissues of the prostate.
But to a greater extent, Goryanka contributes to an increase in the number of sperm in the ejaculate., is indispensable for those men who plan to become fathers in the near future and solve infertility problems with the help of pills and diet.

Yellow lemon, Chinese contains psychoactive substances, stimulates not only the work of the brain, but has a similar effect on the reproductive system.
When used properly, lemon grass allows you to:
- Achieve strong and stable erections.
- Reduce the risk of developing inflammatory prostate disease.
- Prevent premature ejaculation.
- Stimulate the work of the testicles, as a result, the amount of sperm produced increases.
Schisandra berries are considered a powerful natural aphrodisiac, but this plant is dangerous for those men who suffer from hypertension, insomnia and heart problems.

Grow at home, on the windowsill in a pot. Aloe juice helps with power problems:
- improves and stabilizes blood flow and nutrients to the penis;
- increases lust, increasing arousal and attraction towards women.
Aloe accelerates the process of cell regeneration, is considered a good anti-inflammatory and at the same time relaxing, regenerating agent. The effect of the drug appears gradually, with regular use it improves significantly.

A useful plant for male potency, which helps to achieve the following effect:
- Helps restore energy potential.
- Helps increase attraction to the opposite sex.
- Improves libido and increases desire.
Hawthorn, its fruits and leaves are rich in vitamins and trace elements, but the plant extract affects not only potency. With prolonged use leads to the development of bradycardia (lowers blood pressure). With hypertension, this effect allows you to reduce the dose of medications used or even normalize blood pressure without the help of tablets.

St. John's wort
The medicinal properties of St. John's wort have been known to humans since ancient times. You can buy it at the pharmacy. St. John's wort is considered a natural aphrodisiac and powerful antidepressant, effectively strengthens the nervous system, relieves stress and fatigue.
Many herbs good for men's health (including St. John's wort) are not sold in tablets, they can only be bought in the form of dry raw materials, which are used to prepare decoctions, infusions and tinctures.
St. John's wort has a positive effect on male sexual desire, greatly increasing it.

This herb has been used for a long time to increase strength, can be added to tea. Thyme is rich in vitamins and flavonoids, but its use is recommended to consult a doctor.
Thyme contributes to:
- increased libido;
- improve sperm motility.
Not used in the presence of diseases of the liver, nervous system, gastric ulcers.
Thyme goes well with other herbs, may be part of various collections, but should be used with caution for the first time, as digestive problems and local allergic reactions may occur.

Ginger root
Ginger root, rich in aphrodisiacs that slow down the aging process, also falls under the broad concept of "herbs for strength". The extract also affects male potency, contributing to:
- Accumulation of sexual energy.
- Increased stamina and resistance to stress.
- Normalize testosterone levels in the body.
- Improving the work of the sex glands.
A very effective component that will easily complement the collection and make it stronger. Ginger root is widely used in Chinese medicine, sages simply grind the product and add it to tea, use it as a spice for food.

Ginkgo biloba
An herb actively used in Ancient Eastern recipes. The action of Ginkgo Biloba is directed:
- to improve blood circulation to the pelvic organs;
- to reduce the severity of inflammatory processes.
At the pharmacy you can buy various preparations, which include Ginkgo Biloba. This plant is considered unique because it has a complex effect on the body. This allows not only to raise sexual intercourse to a new level, but also to cope with inflammatory and infectious diseases of the genital area.

Parsley, celery, dill and cilantro
In a word - greens rich in chlorophyll and phytoncides. Parsley, celery (especially the root), dill and cilantro are aphrodisiacs, slow down the aging process and:
- They suppress the estrogen activity of the female hormone (at a high concentration in the body, it affects potency, significantly reducing it).
- They improve blood flow to the pelvic organs (as a result of which oxygen and nutrients are intensively supplied to the tissues of the reproductive system).
Vegetables can be bought at the market or in the store, stored in the refrigerator, at low temperature, added to salads, squeezed juice and made healing cocktails.

Stinging nettle
Roots, seeds and shoots are often used to make a tincture. The popularity of the herb lies in its versatility and widespread use. In ancient times, it was believed that a tincture of nettle leaves and roots stimulates lust in men, it was used as an elixir of love.
In modern medicine, nettle is used:
- as an anti-inflammatory;
- as an antibacterial;
- and also as a vasodilator.
Nettle increases blood flow, strengthens the walls of blood vessels.Nutrients and oxygen flow to the prostate and penis, allow you to normalize metabolic processes in tissues and improve natural arousal when an erection occurs.

Sally thriving
A decoction of the herb Ivan-tea has a positive effect on the functioning of the organs of the reproductive system, it also helps to cope with psychological problems that can act as the main cause of impotence.
And also Ivan-chai:
- Activates the process of blood flow and entry into the penis.
- Increases erection and prolongs its duration.
- Supports normal testosterone levels.
- Stabilizes the hormonal background.
But you should not use a decoction of this herb if there are problems with blood clotting, thrombosis, atherosclerosis, high blood pressure. These diseases can be considered as contraindications.

Beets will help remove prostatitis and increase sperm volume. This herb "saves" from impotence with regular use. It is often included in herbal preparations sold in pharmacies.
Bitter cherry is known to many children, they eat its shoots without heat treatment. But following the example of children is not recommended.
But you can create dry rapeseed seedlings, steam them with boiling water, insist in a thermos and take them all day. The average duration of the course of treatment is 2-4 weeks.
What you can buy at the pharmacy
Herbs to improve strength, which can be purchased at a pharmacy, are dry raw materials that combine several ingredients, as well as tinctures for alcohol, which are used as medicines.
The list of the most effective tinctures includes:
- Ginseng tincture - sold in pharmacies, it is recommended to be taken drop by drop, combining it appropriately with other drugs that have a positive effect on the human body.
- The collection, whose beneficial ingredients, included in the drug, stimulate and improve strength. Sold in pharmacies, freely available, acts quickly and has a combined composition. But efficiency affects the price of goods, it is quite high.
- The urological collection is another drug of natural origin, which has a complex composition and is used to stimulate the activity of the organs of the genitourinary system.
What herbal tinctures should you drink to increase strength:
- Hawthorn tincture (only drop by drop, carefully).
- Tincture of radiola rosea.
These drugs can be found in pharmacies, their price is quite low, while they are not inferior in effectiveness to drugs in tablet form. Herbs without side effects and harmful effects on the liver can save from impotence.
Popular recipes
The healing collection of herbs can be prepared at home, the recipes are not particularly difficult and all the ingredients can be "taken" yourself or bought at a pharmacy. And then, following the rules of the recipe, prepare a good medicine.
To restore strength, you can drink various tinctures, composed of unique ingredients. Here are 3 popular recipes:
- Ginseng with immortality and St. John's wort. Ingredients are taken in equal proportions of 1 tbsp. spoons, evaporate them with 1 liter of alcohol or vodka, then send the medicine in a dark, cool place (you can use the refrigerator). After 14 days, the product will be ready. The list of ingredients can be completed. Including other herbs that increase libido in solution. Take according to the following scheme: 50 ml 4 times a day.
- Wine with nettle seeds. 25-30 gr. seeds and 500 ml of red wine, send the mixture to a water bath, boil for 5 minutes, then filter and cool. Store the drug in the refrigerator, carry out the treatment in a course, apply 50 ml 3-4 times a day.
- Popular recipe with hawthorn. To prepare an elixir that increases a man's potential, it is worth mixing 4 tablespoons of crushed hawthorn fruit (20-25 gr. ) And 1 liter of ethyl alcohol. After a week, the elixir will be ready for use, drink 30 drops a day, 3 times a day, for 2 weeks, then take a break of 14 days and repeat the course of treatment 1 more time.

If a man bought an herbal tea for strength and decided to make a decoction of it, then different recipes can be used.
Which decoctions are most effective for improving sexual activity, top 3:
- Mint with thyme. Mix the ingredients in equal proportions. For 1 liter 20-30 gr. dry raw materials. Thyme mint is poured with boiling water, placed in a water bath or insist in a thermos for 2-3 hours. Then take 2 glasses a day, morning and evening.
- Folk remedy based on St. John's wort and nettle. The components are mixed in proportions 1 to 1, poured with boiling water (500 ml for 2 tablespoons of dry raw materials). After 3 hours, the liquid will be ready, filtered, taken in half a glass (125 ml) 2-3 times a day, before or after meals.
- Calamus root with mother seed and dubrovnik. You can add other ingredients to the list of ingredients: marsh mushroom, mountain bird. The total weight of the mixture should not exceed 20 grams. Pour 1 liter of boiling water, insist or boil in a water bath, filter and then drink for 14 days, 2 cups a day.
Which herbs are useful for men to increase strength in the form of tea, recipes:
- Ginger root. A small amount of rhizome is crushed, poured with boiling water, filled with lemon and honey and drunk instead of ordinary tea.
- Rhodiola rosea root. 5 gr. the powder obtained from the root, pour 250 ml of water, boil for 15 minutes (boil). The drink is left to stand for half an hour, then the mint leaves, lemon, honey are added and diluted with water.
- Oregano with thyme. The components are poured into boiling water (can be supplemented with pink thighs), mixed with black or green tea. Drink throughout the day with honey and lemon.