Sex is an important aspect of a man's life, regardless of age, preferences, financial opportunities and many other factors. Often after 40-45 years, a decrease in sexual desire and power begins.
But today there are cases when erectile dysfunction, lazy or incomplete erection occurs at a much younger age. Let us understand what are the causes of weak power and how to deal with this problem.

The main causes of poor potency
Experts say that only a doctor can accurately detect and eliminate the cause of the power outage after communicating with the patient and conducting a thorough examination. In some cases, it may be necessary to consult several doctors immediately, for example, a cardiologist, endocrinologist, andrologist, neurologist, urologist and others.
Among the main reasons for poor strength in men, experts identify the following factors:
- chronic diseases, for example, high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, prostatitis, diabetes mellitus and others;
- taking certain medications, including antidepressants, hormones, pills to lower blood pressure;
- harmful working conditions and poor environmental conditions;
- a sedentary lifestyle and stagnant processes in the small pelvis;
- excessive physical, mental, psycho-emotional work;
- an unfavorable environment at home and at work;
- frequent stress and anxiety, increased anxiety, depression, apathy;
- excess weight;
- bad habits;
- unbalanced diet;
- lack of self-confidence, fear and intense excitement before sexual intercourse;
- without sufficient rest;
- congenital and acquired pathologies of the genital organs.
Another reason for the decrease in power is the irregular sex life, masturbation, which replaces full sex or the frequent change of partners.
Several other factors can also negatively affect potency. For example, many experts argue that frequent riding on a motorcycle, horse, bicycle can lead to a deterioration of the blood supply to the penis and cause problems with power. Doctors have also identified a link between periodontitis (gum disease) and "male weakness".
Signs of weak strength
As we have already discovered, the reasons for the decline in power can be various. The first signs of such a phenomenon are usually a decrease in the desire for intimacy with a woman. A decrease in power is manifested in another way:
- the desire for sex occurs rarely or does not appear at all;
- no morning erection - reasons for this may lie in banal fatigue, age-related changes or illness;
- lack of erection during prelude to sex;
- incomplete or slow erection, which may fall at the most inopportune moment;
- inability to have long-term and quality sexual intercourse;
- problems with ejaculation;
- decreased penile sensitivity and vague sensations during orgasm.
If one or more of these signs appear for the first time or are very rare, then you should not sound the alarm. Often, such a short-term drop in strength is caused by overwork, stress, or an unfavorable environment and requires no treatment.
General recommendations for increasing strength
Erection is a very complex mechanism, which is influenced by a number of external and internal factors. Any problem in the body can cause a man to lose power for a few days or forever. Indeed, without timely diagnosis and treatment, some diseases can lead to irreversible tissue changes, leading to impotence and infertility.

To maintain men's health as a preventative measure or in the presence of erection problems, experts recommend following simple rules:
- Get more exercise during the work day, take breaks, and get distracted from work while walking.
- Walk more in the fresh air, do moderate exercises, do exercises in the morning.
- Quit smoking cigarettes and hookahs, alcohol.
- Eat a balanced diet. It is advisable to include as many aphrodisiac foods in your diet as possible. These are chicken and quail eggs, fresh herbs, berries, fruits, seafood, spices, ginger. It is also important to exclude from the usual diet all foods with synthetic additives, fast foods, sweets and baked goods.
- Strengthen immunity in every way. If there are no contraindications and serious health problems, then regardless of the reasons of weak strength in a man, a positive effect on a person's sex life and overall tone will have strengthening procedures, visits to baths, saunas, steam rooms.
- Have a normal sex life, in which there are no prolonged periods of abstinence and sexual fatigue due to very frequent intercourse.
- Less nervous and anxious, eliminate stress and excess work from life.
- Wear only comfortable and high quality underwear made of natural fabrics.
Only an integrated approach will help solve the problems of slow potency, discover the reasons and choose the treatment for which it is best done by a specialist. It is impossible to achieve positive results and maintain a full sex life without a healthy and active lifestyle.
Treatment of weak strength
It is impossible to treat erection problems yourself, as it is impossible to discover the reasons for poor strength and decreased sexual desire without examination. If you have any problems, try to change your lifestyle to a healthier lifestyle. Relax and develop. Do not dwell on the collision that has occurred.

If within a week there is no improvement in health or, in addition to a decrease in strength, you notice other disturbing symptoms, for example, frequent and painful urination, difficulty in pouring, a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen, blood or pus. in urine or semen, then you should consult a doctor. . .
Usually, to eliminate the causes of slow potency and to normalize a man's sex life, after examination, specialists choose a complex therapy. This takes into account the individual characteristics of a person, his health condition, age and other factors. With a slight deterioration of strength, the doctor prescribes to drink a complex of vitamins-minerals, chooses tonic and tonic preparations.
What can help with weak power?
For erection problems caused by stress and anxiety, it is recommended to use sedatives, decoction with lemon balm and mint, as well as some other herbs. Some experts recommend the use of homeopathic remedies, folk recipes and dietary supplements to improve strength.
But such methods do not always have clinically proven efficacy. In addition, they do not help everyone, although they have a minimum of contraindications and possible side effects.

In some particularly severe cases, when it is not possible to improve potency naturally, the doctor chooses an erection stimulator for the male.
Unfortunately, they have many contraindications and possible side effects; they are not suitable for everyone. It is impossible to use funds such as a prophylaxis for erectile dysfunction.
If erection problems have appeared due to any disease, then, first of all, its treatment is carried out and only then measures are taken to restore strength. For example, if the cause of a slow erection is prostatitis, then therapy is performed to eliminate the inflammation.
Also, if the cause of erectile dysfunction is specific medications used consistently, including antidepressants and medicines to lower blood pressure, then the specialist may choose another medication that has the same therapeutic effect but is less dangerous forpotency.
Remember, if your strength is weak, the causes and treatments for this condition can be very different. It is difficult to find out exactly what negatively affected the erection itself. And the treatment you choose can be not only useless, but also dangerous to health.
Therefore, at the first symptoms of erectile dysfunction, you should dispel all doubts and shyness and go to a good specialist. With this approach, the chances of a full recovery of strength at any age, even at age 60, increase significantly.